Saturday, July 9, 2016

How my investment portfolios are surviving the melt down

Since I started investing in the stock market, back in November 2013, I have lost quite a bit of cash - approximately 60%. But since I found the secret to successful investing - only buy stocks that have a debt to equity ratio of less that 40:1 - I have reduced the overall loss to less than 25%. Also, the global financial system/banking industries are expected to totally collapse when confidence in the US$ collapses. When this happens, the US$ will go to zero and will take all other currencies down with it. This will cause all major banks outside of China, India and Russia to fail.

Since discovering my secret sauce for successful investing, I have identified all the over priced stocks in my portfolios and sold them off. The funds that was freed up was invested in two dividend paying Canadian stocks and a number of Canadian junior gold and silver mining stocks. This new strategy started being implemented in December 2015 and was instrumental in identifying Granite Oil Corp, TSE:GXO and TransAlta Renewables Inc, (TSE:RNW) as good dividend paying stocks. Please note that TransAlta Renewables has a debt to equity ratio of 44:1, which is over my stated maximum debt to equity level for investing but for an electric utility is very low. Both of these stocks pays monthly dividends with annual dividend yields greater than 5%.

Using my search criteria of debt to equity ratio of less than 30:1 I was able to identify a number of junior gold and silver miners to invest in. The ones with the best returns so far are Minco Silver Corporation, (TSE:MSV) with over 91% return since April 12 and Balmoral Resources Ltd, (TSE:BAR) with over 20% return since May 2. Another junior mining stocks that has given me a great return so far is First Mining Finance, (CVE:FF) - 6.5% since June 17.  First Mining Finance is actually a holding company or metals bank that has been accumulating gold and silver properties from other junior mining companies that were not able to survive in the low precious metals prices environment that ended in December 2015. I plan to hold these and other junior mining stocks till the end of 2018, which according to Daniel's (Book of Daniel) timeline, will be when these mining stocks should reach their peak.

I use a number of YouTube channels as my source of my financial advice. They include SilverDoctors, World Alternative Media, FutureMoneyTrends, X22Report, Peter Schiff, Gregory Mannarino, The Money GPS ~ Author Exposing the Truth, GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) and Other YouTube channels I also follow to put the news headlines into perspective Israeli News Live, Stefan Molyneux, jsnip4 and Greg Hunter as I believe investing in a vacuum without knowing the geopolitical and Biblical aspects to the stories in the news.

As a example of using geopolitical news for deciding what action to take with specific stocks, last year I discovered Inovalis Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:INO.UN). At the time it was trading at $8.73 (October 2015) and everything looked great. However, the properties are located in Berlin and Paris. This was just as the refugee crisis was just starting in Europe and before the "terrorist attacks" in Paris and Brussels. TSE:INO.UN was sold in March 2016 for $9.66 for a small profit. I could have held onto the stock till late May or early June for an even bigger profit but I was not sure how quickly the attacks on Germans and French by the refugee thugs would cause businesses in Munich and Paris would cause businesses to move from those cities causing a decline the rental income the stock generates.

An example of using Biblical insight into today's news headlines using Stephen de Nunn's, of Israeli News Live, interpretation of how Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled in the news headlines. The war in Syria, the Ukraine and the blockading of Russia is a great example of how the world is moving towards war as described in the Book of Revelations. This war will be devastating and will be caused by the melt down of the global banking system as it transition to a cashless system demanded by the New World Order one world government currency. No one will be able to buy, sell, rent or work without the "mark of the beast". The "mark of the beast" is a computer chip that provides access to banking, government services, shopping and work. Only people with God's money - silver and gold will survive this tribulation.

In closing, the above mentioned links has helped me reduce my investment losses from over 60% of my invested capital to under 20%. That is a loss reduction of approximately 32% in just over 8 months. All in a down market.

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