Saturday, July 9, 2016

A case for BitGold

Earlier this year I heard about BitGold (sign up for BitGold here) and thought it was something like BitCoin (find out more information about BitCoin here). Because I am not interested in electronic crypto currencies I did not look into BitGold. All that changed when I watched an interview with Rick Rule where he admitted to testing the service. This got my interest.

How my investment portfolios are surviving the melt down

Since I started investing in the stock market, back in November 2013, I have lost quite a bit of cash - approximately 60%. But since I found the secret to successful investing - only buy stocks that have a debt to equity ratio of less that 40:1 - I have reduced the overall loss to less than 25%. Also, the global financial system/banking industries are expected to totally collapse when confidence in the US$ collapses. When this happens, the US$ will go to zero and will take all other currencies down with it. This will cause all major banks outside of China, India and Russia to fail.