Saturday, March 16, 2019

Sophia, other Android robots, iPhones, ANDROID devices genetic engineering of humans - how they are connected and the future of mankind

This is my side of a discussion with one of my sisters the development and deployment of technologies related to Android robots, body sensors in ANDROID phones, health and fitness sensors in iPhones, the release of Sophia and other Android robots.

This video of Sophia and another 1st generation Android robot debating life and humans. Kind of creepy when you consider at least 100 2rd generation Android robots are being used world wide as prostitutes.

The real fun starts in about 2025 when the 3rd generation of Android robots are released to replace professional people like lawyers, doctors, judges, teachers, nurses and firefighters. The 3rd generation Android robots will be considered humans - under proposed EU laws, they will be known as Ascension Beings equal to humans and protected by law like humans. Do not be surprised when you find out your doctor is a robot.

Last year Toronto city hall rejected an application for a brothel on Yonge Street that was going to use robots as prostitutes. Just do a search for robot prostitutes and see what results you get.

Does life imitate art? Or does art imitate art? Most of the scientific developments depicted in the original STAR TREK TV series have been created. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION gave us Commander Data, an Android robot. Need I say more?

Subscribe to the TECHNOLOGY REVIEW newsletters published by MIT and you will have access to technologies being worked on today for release in 2029. You will also have access to all the technologies being monetized this year.

I subscribed to 13 Technology Review newsletters back in 1995. By 2005 I stopped reading them because when I saw how the technologies were being used was too depressing. Even e-ink and e-paper may be used maliciously.

Then we come full circle - TWILIGHT ZONE: RISE OF THE MACHINES episode, the reason all records of this episode having been erased, both online and offline, is that it reveals the dangers of too much automation in society combined with too much reliance on AI for everything.

In Android robots, AI is their soul or consciousness. This consciousness consists of, but not limited to, biometric data harvested from us humans by our "smart" phones. When this "consciousness" is combined with our interactions on LifeLog, aka Facebook, the US military is able to build an Android robot that looks and acts like us with all our knowledge as expressed on social media. Google and Facebook, like Apple and Microsoft before them, are products of DARPA - Defense Advance Research Project Agency - the research arm of the US military. DARPA funds university courses, covered by the 13 newsletters published MIT Technology Review, worldwide. It was an executive order issued by President Nixon in early 1970 that made it possible.

From the financial report of Apple Inc in 2014 we learn Apple has been working on genetic engineering of the human DNA to create a triple helix DNA with the third strand being a human brain/machine interface. A quick review of the March April issue of the Technology Review magazine reveals Google is also working on something similar. The purpose I keep getting for these research is to control people's thoughts. Previous issues also highlighted Facebook's work in this area.

Then we come to the Son of Man, the Messiah. Jesus said "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns". Genesis chapter 6 talks of the "sons of God" (fallen angels) finding the daughters of men attractive and taking as many as they liked as wives which resulted in the giants, men of renown. Because the books of Enoch and Jared were removed from the Bible, we do not know about the genetic engineering of plants, animals and humans and the development of space travel, nuclear weapons and the space wars that preceded Noah's flood. Greek mythology, the Sumerian texts along with Sacred Hindu Scripts are the only records regarding the events and developments of this time period.

Actually, almost all sci-fi shows for the last 50 years are based on Genesis or Exodus. Some, like STARGATE SG1, is so in your face about fighting Ba'al, one of the gods the Jews were commanded to destroy. Even shows dealing with time travel gets their ideas from the prophet Elijah in the books of Kings.

On July 14, 2005, while working on SILENT HILL, I had a very disturbing flashback to July 15, 1975. On SILENT HILL I was playing the role of someone that's been dead for 30 years. 30 years earlier I was electrocuted in a freak accident involving 14,000 volts. Do you see the connection here? Me playing a role of someone dead for 30 years on the 30th anniversary of being electrocuted. It took me about 3 months to realize I really was not dead. It took a few more years to realize that because of me working in the film industry combined with the scientific reviews I have access to, I am able to see technology developments in a very unique way that allows me to see five to 20 years into the future.

Currently, what we are witnessing is the re-emergence of the old Roman Empire and the old Chinese Silk Road. Evidence of this is in the news daily. NATO, the modern day Centurion, or Roman army, is constantly in the news. NATO'S flag is the oldest symbol of the Centurions - the Roman Cross, a cross in a circle. The war in Syria is to determine who controls the Silk Road leading into Europe. The next war is with Iran. Who controls Iran will control the Silk Road route to Africa.

Longer term, beyond 2030, the alien beings that currently control the"new" Roman Empire is currently putting in place laws, policies and agendas worldwide to eradicate all carbon based life on earth. Proof of this are UN's AGENDA 21, AGENDA 2030 and the Paris Accord on Climate Change. These three documents mandates tax on the production of CO2. All life on earth exhales CO2, so this tax is a tax on all life. Agenda 2030, specifically, mandates population reduction to 550 million humans by 2030. However, the way this document is worded, it is not blatantly written in text "reduce world population to 550 million by 2030". Instead, you see "By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average". What is the quickest and cheapest way to achieve this? Answer: eradicate that segment of the population. "Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality". In Canada, that meant enacting the Assisted Death law followed a year later with the "Carbon" tax, a tax in the production of CO2. I envision a future government of Canada amending these two laws to mean that anyone unable or unwilling to pay the tax will have no right to live.

Meanwhile the development and deployment of 5G wireless networks, besides eradicating all life within a city block radius, is actually laying the foundation for life forms based on silicon. In this case Android robots, although human like and programmed with human behaviour and memories, are not a silicon based life form. Silicon based life forms reproduce just like carbon based life forms.

I suspect many will leave this post without reading it to the end because they find it very disturbing. I too find the images of the future highly disturbing. I see it everyday, everywhere. Then I realized I work in an industry dedicated to revealing the future of technology and how it will be used, in a non threatening way, so that when we see Commander Data and Sophia walking among us and taking our jobs we accept them as being more equal or superior to us.

Read UN Agenda 2030 carefully. In it you will find references to reducing the world's population to 550 million with a target date of 2030. And no, I am not thinking of TERMINATOR: RISE OF THE MACHINES. I watched the TWILIGHT ZONE episode in Jamaica back in the late 1960s and again in Canada in the 1980s. I also watched it on YouTube twice before all references to that episode was scrubbed from all records.

It is so easy to control and manipulate societies by controlling the information we see and interact with. Proof is LifeLog, aka Facebook. LifeLog was an extra credit assignment for a DARPA funded computer course that Mark Zuckerberg took. The day LifeLog development ended, Facebook was created. What does LifeLog and Facebook have in common?  Mark Zuckerberg and funding from DARPA. The same can be said about Google. Now consider the over 2 billion users on Fascistbook, the approximately 1 billion Googestapo Android and Apple iPhone users having their biometric data and social media interaction being used to program the Sophias and Commander Datas of the near future. The main thing is, like in STEPFORD WIVES, the robots are made to not only look like us, they are programmed with our biometric data AI and our knowledge as expressed on social media as it's "consciousness".

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